Question 4: How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?


Video clip shooting animation character set film production clip gif animation after effects vector flat kit8


Image result for canon c100

The filming device we used in the production process is Canon C100. This is a professional device that was lent by the school. As we had no experience with the camera, we had to have some learning and researching to actually use it. The camera was set to 60 fps with 1080 resolution. Thanks to it being a professional camera, we were able to zoom in and out, as well as focus into certain things and blur out the rest.


Image result for canon A7III

Another device that we used was the Canon A7III. Anna lent this to us as she participated in the crew. This device helped us shot a lot of behind the scenes’ footage. Originally, it was supposed to be used as one of the side filming camera. However, even though it has high saturation, the footage from this camera might be hard to use, as the we cannot change the colors afterwards.


Image result for sony xperia premium white

Our phones were also important, as it is one of the main props for the film. For the film, we used my Sony Xperia Z5 Ultra.

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Luckily, my phone has a red phone case, which matches the film’s color scheme.

Other phones were used to take pictures of behind the scenes, which benefit us a lot with our blog posts.


We used mainly 4 programs to make our film and other productions: Premiere Pro 2018, Adobe Illustrator Portable, After Effect 2018 and PowerPoint 2016.


Image result for premiere pro

This is the main program that we used to edit our film. We chose this program because our classmates are able to help us with it, and it seems like the most reasonable one to use, as the program is a professional one, so it can make our film looks professional. However, everything comes with a price, the process of learning and researching on how to use this took a lot of time.

Frank was on duty for editing the film, so it was very difficult ad time-consuming for Frank, especially with him being so lazy and inefficient. One of the difficulty we encountered was lack of knowledge, as having said, we had no experience or knowledge whatsoever upon this topic or program. Hence, a lot of research was requested to be made by Frank, as he is the main designer and he did not allow me to also participate in the editing process. This creates another problem, which is time management. As I had no clue which part he had reached upon the editing task, so I cannot assign or push him. In addition, whenever I try to However, he did pull it off at the very end, but the quality was not as we wanted.


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This program I used was only a side program, which is only for vector extracting. I use this program to import vectors in and then change the colors and their positions, so I can later on copy them to PowerPoint. As I had experienced with using this program, it was not really a problem for me to use and access it.


Image result for after effect

This program was a completely new challenge that I had to face. This took me a lot of time to do my research upon how to create this glitching look. At first, I looked for whether there were any presets, but there was none so I had to find links to download the After Effect program. This was quite easy, however, the trial only lasted for 7 days, but I merely thought that it was okay, as I will not be needing it. On the other hand, I did need it to update onto my post, but when I realized that, the trial has already ended so I could not take a screen cap. I used the internet to help me and I actually pulled it through.


Image result for powerpoint logo

This was the program I used for designing my poster and my blogs. As I had experience and deep comprehension of how to use this program, so I was able to fluently use this to design and create as what I wanted.



This is our main blogging site, where we kept our process updates. I have had experience using this blog since last year, as I had also used it to record my AS process. However, I still decided to research more upon the page, and developed my page into sections and better organisation. The page does wonderful with its themes. However, it does not allow uploading videos, so it was a real difficulty for my to upload videos of my work.

The website did help me with setting up the password, which was of great benefits. I originally had to set a password due to the piracy of my team mate.


Image result for WIX logo

Wix is a website creator, that I used to create my film’s website. This page is a professional page and is a lot harder than Word Press. However, I gradually got the hang of it, and was able to create a web page as great as I wanted it to be. The online creator had a lot of options for me, and I was really helpful for me to create a professional website.


Image result for surveymonkey logo

SurveyMonkey is an online survey development cloud-based software. I used this as the platform to design and spread out my questionnaire. I had no experience in using this but it was rather easy to use as the directions was straightforward. The variety of types of questions had helped me tremendously, as it supports any questions I could think of. Even though it has a limit of 10 questions, I really could not think I would reach 10, as that might bore the respondents, so it did not give me a difficulty.


Image result for what is google drive

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. This is where me and my team mate keep our shared files and information. It was very helpful as we could upload anything, and since we have been using with our school’s account for our work, so it was not much of a problem and actually quite convenient.


Image result for google doc

Google Docs is a word processor. This is where I wrote my script and risk assessment, as well as many other plannings for the film. As this is an online web page and it automatically saves your work, I find it really easy and convenient to use. Not only that, I was able to send the documents to anyone online, from my teachers, to my team mate, to my friend.


YouTube is an American video-sharing website. This is where we posted our film. Not only that, this is where we did a lot of our research on how to use or do stuffs, specifically for editing and designing. It provides us with more information than reading, as they actually carry out doing certain the task, so it’s easier for us to mimic.


Image result for pinterest

Pinterest is a social media web and mobile application that operates a software system designed to discover information on the Internet, mainly using images and, on a smaller scale, GIFs and videos. This website had helped me created my mood board. This is where the my designing inspiration for the poster was taken from. As it has a variety of images and gifs, it is quite easy to find and use its images. However, as the variety is too huge, it can become messy-looking and informal sometimes. Especially with my search that is hard to find, the application just popped up anything that they think is relevant.


Google’s free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. This website helped us with the application’s sound. It was quite easy to use, as we only had to type in the things we wanted it to play, and press the audio.

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